
Sunday, October 22, 2017

Powerful Affirmations and Mantras for Reducing Fear

reducing fear
By Sangeetha Saran

Living with fear can be debilitating and hindering on everyday lifestyles. Intense fear can manifest itself into confusion, rapid heartbeat, shaking, a feeling of impending doom, shortness of breath, and loss of control. Without self-control of these symptoms, health problems can arise. Living with intense fear may lead to very confined life resulting from avoiding possible triggers.

The focus of reciting mantras is to ride through the sensations of fear instead of forcefully pushing away from them. Mantras, words or phrases with spiritual significance can be recited during moments of intense fear. They can be used as a way to get through times that would otherwise seem impossible. There is not a right way to recite a mantra. It is a an individual practice and the person chanting is the only one who will know if it is right. It is the devotion and passion for the mantra that makes the difference. 

1.) Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
This mantra applies to any situation that limits us. Instead of avoiding the situation that fears us, we go at it "full speed." By reciting this mantra, we are no longer give fear the permission to halt the path we are taking.

2.) This Too Shall Pass
This phrase is very common in today's world. Think about it from an anxious and fearful point of view. Every anxiety attack ends; they do not last forever. The echo of this mantra in the back of the mind will help the body to ride through the sensations of fear no matter how awful the attack may seem.

3.) Everything Will be Okay
The confidence in this mantra speaks for itself. In order to be okay, we have to know that we will be okay. 

4.) Help Me Face My Fear
With fear and anxiety disorders, it is important to know that we are not alone. We are allowed to ask for help and confide in those we love. We may also be asking a spiritual guide for help in reducing intense symptoms of fear.

5.) I Liberate My Mind From Fear and Negativity
Allowing ourselves the permission to refuse the negative thoughts that can consume us, gives us a freeing feeling from weigh-downs. Think very hard about this mantra, and consciously try to lift the fear and negativity off of your shoulders.

6.) I Do Not Listen to Fear In My Mind
Ignoring the fear is not the answer, but not listening to fear is a way to overcome debilitating symptoms. Yes, the fear is there, but we cannot hear it. The fear is silent in my mind.

7.) I Embrace Hope, Love, and Optimism
Another way to say this is "think happy thoughts."

In addition to the above list, some mantra chants that can be said include:
*Akhan jor chupay na jor
*jor na mangan den na jor
*jor na jiwan maran na jor
*jor na raj mal man sor

This quote is to be recited daily when looking in the mirror at a person who will no longer allow fear to control their life...
“Trust that, when you are not holding yourself together so tightly, you will not fall apart. Trust that it is more important to fulfill your authentic desires than listen to your fears. Trust that your intuition is leading you somewhere. Trust that the flow of life contains you, is bigger than you, and will take care of you—if you let it.”~Vironika Tugaleva

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